Saturday, June 26, 2010

Smart Kids!

No pictures of them, but just a report that we received the boys' end-of-year report cards in the mail last week and can officially confirm that they are SMART, perhaps even genius!

In Joshua's Kindergarten test, he scored 102 out of....102!
In Daniel's 2nd grade test, he scored 74 out of...76! (We'll let him off the 2 points as 2nd grade is obviously much more challenging than Kindergarten!)

They both received a DS game for their efforts. :)


  1. Well done boys, the hard work paid off!
    Lots of love xxxx

  2. Gee Whizz.....I wish we got given presents for doing well at school I would have probably done better....or was it that I preffered to talk rather than listen?? Well done to the pair of them, little einsteins in the making!

  3. Who on earth spells preferred with 2 'f's - sorry! Hope all is well with you guys?
