Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daniel Celebrates Another Year!

It's been a week since Daniel turned nine. As I told him, it's the last year he'll ever be a single digit. He likes that and can't wait to turn 10! Oh well, gotta wait another year for that.

To celebrate, he invited 12 friends to play laser tag. He had a Sonic the Hedgehog cake which he told me was the best cake I've ever made! It was also the easiest; much easier than last year's rock climbing wall! He made out like a bandit gift-wise, with some cool legos, books, beyblades, and lots of gift cards!

Of course, Daniel's birthday is never complete without a trip to Silver Diner.

Once I find my camera I'll upload his birthday pics....:)

Daniel's 9th Birthday


  1. Look forward to seeing the birthday pics and "best ever" cake. Daniel sounds so grown up now - really looking forward to seeing you all soon.

  2. Cake looks amazing - very professional!
    Glad Daniel had a good birthday - he's looking more like his Dad every day!
